Monday, September 4, 2017

SFSD 34 The Return of Syth's LyfeTouch Blog

Hello my Lovelies,

It has been a wonderful min since I have hit you all up like this... Well, I personally wanted to come back and tell you that Syth' LyfeTouch Blog is back. I'm coming back with new eyes and fresh look on how our blogging will take place. Not only that to come back to find out that the Blog has hit and passed 100,000 Views but with a grand total of 111,652 and still counting. 

And to add to the large plate that we hold, I'm proud to also announce that I'm a Bon-a-Fide Model. So big things happen I am truly humbled and blessed by all of this.

I must say if it had not been for the love and support of you my fans have my utmost respect because of you I have gotten this far. So thank you so much 

so with the comeback, Syth's Lyfe Touch Blog is now blogging for Queen and Back with the L'Elite Monthly Event.